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abs() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the absolute value of this rational.
add(Rational) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Adds the rational to this one, returning a new rational.
add(BigInteger) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Adds the rational to the big integer, returning a new rational.
add(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Adds the rational to the big decimal, returning a new rational.
add(long) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Adds the rational to the long value, returning a new rational.


bigDecimalValue() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Converts this rational to a big decimal, throwing an exception if the division results in a non-terminating decimal expansion.
bigDecimalValue(MathContext) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Converts this rational to a big decimal, using the math context for rounding.
byteValue() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the rational as a byte (rounding down).


ceiling() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the ceiling of the rational (smallest integer greater than or equal to it).
com.ekarp.math - package com.ekarp.math
compareTo(Rational) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Compares this rational with the other one.


denominator() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the denominator associated with the rational.
divide(Rational) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Divides the two rationals, returning a new rational.
divide(BigInteger) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Divides the rational by the big integer, returning a new rational.
divide(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Divides the rational by the big decimal, returning a new rational.
divide(long) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Divides the rational by the long, returning a new rational.
doubleValue() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the rational as a double.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Performs an equality check with the other object.


floatValue() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the rational as a float.
floor() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the floor of the rational (largest integer less than or equal to it).
floorMod(Rational) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns this value modded by the given rational.
floorMod(BigInteger) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns this value modded by the given big integer.
floorMod(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns this value modded by the given big decimal.
floorMod(long) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns this value modded by the given long.


hashCode() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Computes the hash code of the rational.


intValue() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the rational as an integer (rounding down).
invert() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the reciprocal of the rational.


longValue() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the rational as a long (rounding down).


max(Rational...) - Static method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Takes the maximum of the rationals.
max(Iterable<Rational>) - Static method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Takes the maximum of the rationals.
min(Rational...) - Static method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Takes the minimum of the rationals.
min(Iterable<Rational>) - Static method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Takes the minimum of the rationals.
mod(Rational) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns this value modded by the given rational.
mod(BigInteger) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns this value modded by the given big integer.
mod(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns this value modded by the given big decimal.
mod(long) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns this value modded by the given long.
multiply(Rational) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Multiplies the two rationals together, returning a new rational.
multiply(BigInteger) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Multiplies the rational with the big integer, returning a new rational.
multiply(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Multiplies the rational with the big decimal, returning a new rational.
multiply(long) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Multiplies the rational with the long, returning a new rational.


negate() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns a rational that is the negated version of this one.
numerator() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the numerator associated with the rational.


ONE - Static variable in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Representation of the number one, in rational format.
ONE_HALF - Static variable in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Representation of the number 1/2, in rational format.


pow(int) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Raise this rational to the N-th power.
product(Rational...) - Static method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Convenience method to multiply an arbitrary number of rationals.
product(Iterable<Rational>) - Static method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Convenience method to multiply an arbitrary number of rationals.


Rational - Class in com.ekarp.math
Arbitrary precision rational number.
Rational(BigInteger, BigInteger) - Constructor for class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Create a rational from two big integers.
Rational(BigInteger) - Constructor for class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Create a rational representing the big integer.
Rational(BigDecimal) - Constructor for class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Create a rational from a big decimal.
Rational(String) - Constructor for class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Create a rational from a string representing a decimal number or "x/y" where x and y are base10 numbers.
Rational(long, long) - Constructor for class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Create a rational from two longs.
Rational(long) - Constructor for class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Create a rational representing the long value.
round() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Round the rational to the nearest integer (using the HALF_EVEN rounding mode).
round(RoundingMode) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Round the rational to the nearest integer (using the specified rounding mode).


shortValue() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the rational as a short (rounding down).
sign() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Returns the sign of this rational.
subtract(Rational) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Subtracts the rational from this one, returning a new rational.
subtract(BigInteger) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Subtracts the big integer from the rational, returning a new rational.
subtract(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Subtracts the big decimal from the rational, returning a new rational.
subtract(long) - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Subtracts the long from the rational, returning a new rational.
sum(Rational...) - Static method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Convenience method to sum an arbitrary number of rationals.
sum(Iterable<Rational>) - Static method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Convenience method to sum an iterable of rationals.


toString() - Method in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Convert this rational into a string.


ZERO - Static variable in class com.ekarp.math.Rational
Representation of the number zero, in rational format.