Applying a Phone Screen Protector

Applying a Phone Screen Protector

Normally, I skip cases and screen protectors for my phone. However, I recently found several scratches on my old phone, and I was about to replace it. I decided to invest in a screen protector. Little did I know that it requires forethought.

My first attempt was a painful comedy of errors. The end result had bubbles along the edges, due to weakened adhesion from repeated lifting and setting of the glass. I tried again with a fresh protector; the result was much better. However, I still made a few mistakes along the way. If I had written down the steps and followed them, it could have turned out great.

First attempt Second attempt
First attempt at applying the screen protector. Note the poor adhesion along the edges that distract from its look. Second attempt at applying the screen protector, after following some of the guidelines. Adhesion is much better but not perfect.

Here are the tips and tricks I learned along the way, for future reference:

  1. Dust is your enemy. It is everywhere and if it gets under the protector, your phone will have those particles obscuring the screen. To prevent dust: a. Work on a cleaned table, not on the floor. b. If you need a haircut, get one before starting (dandruff can ruin the work). c. Take a shower before starting and wash your hair, to remove stray particles. d. Sometimes a “dust removal sticker” is provided in the screen protector packaging. Use it to remove dust particles from underneath the screen, without needing to lift too much. e. Every time you lift the screen, there is opportunity for new dust to come in. Minimize lifts.

  2. Operate in daylight or with sufficient light.

  3. Before starting, turn the brightness on your phone to maximum, set it to not lock for at least 5 minutes, and navigate to a web page of solid white.

  4. When applying, check that it is aligned along both vertical and horizontal edges. You may need to look directly from above.

  5. Be very careful about setting it down, even temporarily or lightly on the phone – the protector will attach very easily.

  6. The more you have to lift the screen up to re-adjust or remove dust that crept underneath, the worse the adhesion will be and the worse it will look.